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Journey. Achieve. Xperience.


Jax Fitness Group is a fitness studio that offers a variety of classes. Each class is curated for your goals. Classes available for all ages, as I believe that age is irrelevant to how healthy you can be. Join my class and get the chance to be strong, healthy and fit.

Aromatherapy Massage


Pamper your body and mind at Jax Fitness Group with our new massage services! Don't miss this chance for relaxation and rejuvenation. Book today!

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TRY OUR NEW Kids Jiu Jitsu

Introducing our new Kids Jiu Jitsu class! Our program teaches confidence, strength, discipline, respect, coordination, and bully-proof self-defense skills. Sign up now and watch your child grow both on and off the mat!

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S Jaxom cvičím už 9 mesiacov. Tréningy sú vždy motivujúce, obmieňajú sa cviky, stále sa na ne teším a čo je hlavné - vidím progres - záťaž sa primerane stupňuje. Kedysi som neurobila ani jeden klik, dnes bez problémov zvládnem 20 mužských počas tréningu. Odporúčam :)

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